In this article, I have put together a quick guide to collecting three main UX metrics that can be obtained through a survey.
In-depth analysis of "add to cart" buttons in e-commerce apps and mobile web. tutorial about .xml animations, which will be really useful for making preloaders for Android apps
Детальное описание поездки на конференцию и развернутые выводы о пользе
Як спроєктувати заповнення даних або реєстрацію на сайті
I give lectures at the design school "Point.School". Sometimes I give separate lectures on UX design. Here is a list of topics:
Material Design for mobile apps;
UX Mapping Techniques;
User Stories, Personas, JTBD;
UX Principles and design self-evaluation;
Figma Tips and Tricks for non-designers;
«Методи прийняття зважених рішень в UX»